Customer Testimonials

Harbortown Rv Resort- We switched over to Proactive Network Solutions last year and have had excellent results. They really went the extra mile for us, the follow thru and attention to detail were very professional. We use PNS for all of our computer and Wi-Fi needs. I would highly recommend PNS to anyone.

Superior Roll & Turning-The technicians at Proactive Network Solutions are very knowledgeable and efficient. If you have computer or network issues call them today. I highly recommend their services!

Dandy Packaging Group, Inc.-For over a year now, Proactive Network Solutions has provided exceptional technical expertise, prompt service, and best of all, a stable network. Proactive goes beyond service and educates our employees with up-to-date IT industry standards and practices without even being asked. PNS really does go the extra mile. We highly recommend PNS for any business, large or small.

Michigan Paving and Materials Co.-Partnership is the best way to explain our relationship with Proactive Network Solutions. The reason I have to call it that is uptime and stability is something that is just as important to Proactive network solutions with our network as it is with me. I have never met a company that was so dedicated to service as PNS. I have never had such great service from a vendor and anticipate I never will, other then with Proactive Network Solutions.

R&D Custom Machine & Tool Inc.-Proactive Network Solutions have been spot on since day one. Complete system improvements across the board. I can highly recommend PNS.

Proactive Network Solutions has gone over and above their call of duty since the very first day. They are very knowledgeable and prompt to get back with us when we call. I would recommend them to anyone.

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